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Why younger investors are drawn to gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Chris Taylor
Thursday, July 18, 2024

NEW YORK -- What asset class do millennials and Gen Z investors both want to own?

Here is an answer you may not have guessed: Gold.

Among wealthy investors under the age of 43, 45% own gold as a physical asset, and another 45% are interested in holding it, according to a recent study by Bank of America Private Bank.

Those are far higher percentages than other age groups.

Usually this demographic is not interested in assets like gold, cash or Treasuries, because they are considered to be "boring," says Liz Young Thomas, head of investment strategy for digital financial services firm SoFi.

"As Treasury yields rise, cash is paying a high interest rate, and gold is rising along with it. We are seeing returns we normally don't see in such a short period of time," Thomas says. "Naturally, when assets have strong returns, younger audiences start to perk up."

This confirms another study by money managers State Street, which finds that millennials have the highest allocation to gold in their portfolios, at 17%, far outpacing both boomers and Gen X at 10%. ...

... For the remainder of the report:


The Gold Tree of Life in the popular 1-ounce format, along with the Gold Tree of Life 0.1-ounce and the Silver Tree of Life 1-ounce, 
are now available from Tara Coins directly and from authorized distributors in the U.S. and worldwide

The Gold Tree of Life in the popular 1-ounce format, along with the Gold Tree of Life 0.1-ounce and the Silver Tree of Life 1-ounce, are now available from Tara Coins directly or from authorized distributors in the United States and worldwide.

The Gold and Silver Trees of Life are the first 99.99% Irish bullion rounds and are truly sovereign (non-legal tender) coins. They are beautiful and limited in mintage and supply, making them highly desirable as gifts, collectible coins, and -- most importantly -- as stores of value.

Tara Coins is a designer, wholesaler, and retailer of Irish bullion products, selling beautiful, collectible, store-of-value, 99.99% pure Irish silver and gold bullion.

GATA supporter Money Metals Exchange is now one of Tara Coins' leading distributors in the U.S. and is selling all the Gold and Silver Trees of Life coins for delivery or storage at its vault in Idaho.

For more information about Tara Coins' Gold and Silver Trees of Life, including minimum order sizes and premiums to purchase them, please contact us at or visit us at

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